

We drive value to your bottom line.

Optimized design solutions that save your budget & Schedule

Preconstruction is where the majority of cost saving take place. We get involve during the early stages of design phase to assess how decision will impact the project scope, budget and schedule. We do this through value engineering reviews and constructability analysis that help us identify clear scopes for each contract with reduced risk of costly change orders due to design changes.

Preconstruction Service include

  • Budget & Cash Flow Analysis
  • Prepare Master Schedule
  • Prepare Bid Packaging
  • Scope writing and Procurement Package
  • Value Engineering
  • Risk Management
  • Site Analysis & Setup
  • Crane & Hoisting Setup
  • Municipality Permitting

achieving excellence through collaboration

We believe the most successful projects are those where all stakeholders experience mutual benefits. We achieve this by implementing streamlined communication processes grounded in lean principles. Our approach involves fostering collaboration between internal and external teams, enabling a collective understanding of the design and early identification of constructability issues and scheduling conflicts. The outcome is enhanced productivity and scheduling efficiency among the site team, resulting in cost and time savings for all involved parties.

This methodology has consistently delivered benefits, maximizing value for owners by attaining budget and schedule targets, while simultaneously minimizing project risks and simplifying change order management for general contractors and trades.

building system optimization

Enhancing facility functionality and efficiency plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall project cost, encompassing operational expenses such as energy usage, maintenance, and lifecycle considerations.

Our team actively contributes to optimizing the design, striving to maximize both economic and operational efficiency. We implement value engineering strategies during the procurement of mechanical and electrical trades, ensuring a judicious balance between cost-effectiveness and superior functionality.

hoisting and Craning

Vertical transportation poses a significant challenge in every project due to its inherent costs and the need for persistent scheduling and collaboration among various internal and external stakeholders. Our expertise lies in identifying specifications, determining optimal locations, and managing the tendering and bid assessment processes to facilitate successful capital planning.

When executed meticulously during the preconstruction phase, this approach not only addresses the complexities of vertical transportation but also delivers substantial cost savings for our clients, ensuring the implementation of seamless and efficient solutions.

Exceptional service

Our team is dedicated to cultivating enduring partnerships with project owners by employing a collaborative and passionate approach. With project managers strategically located in Vancouver, Kelowna, Squamish, and Vancouver Island, our construction consulting services extend across British Columbia. Our aim is to alleviate stress and guarantee quality results, consistently delivered on time and within budget.

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